Sunday, February 7, 2016

“We need to understand that five hundred years of humanism may be coming to an end as Humanism transforms itself into something that we must helplessly call post-humanism”(1, Hayles).

Hayle defines humanism as a form of post-humanism because of the advancement in technology. I define humanism as living free and being human. As a human we all look, think, and talk different. That is what makes us unique in my opinion. Hayle defines Post-Humanism is an “entity that can flow between carbon-based organic components and silicon-based electronic components to make protein and silicon operate as a Single system” (9, Hayles). I define Post-humanism as artificial intelligence. Post-humanism takes away the natural self and freedom of an induvial. Also as a Post-human everyone would look and think the same which is the complete opposite of humanism.  Unfortunately there will be a point where intelligent machines will take over the world and humans become obsolete. In my opinion a business owner would not hire an employee who needs to take breaks, sleep, and days off when they can hire an intelligent machine that can work non-stop. Even though The Macy Conferences on Cybernetics viewed human beings as "information-processing entities who are essentially similar to intelligent machines"(14, Hayles). Humans will never be able to process the amount of information an artificial intelligent can. This is why artificial intelligence is our next step in evolution. I hope that the intelligent machines will be able to live peacefully among us and help us cure diseases.

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